"That is when I fully realized my strength as a woman and I love helping other women tap into their own strength."

I loved being pregnant with each of my four children. The thought of a little person growing inside me, made out of love, was so magical. When I think of the entire birth process from conception to delivery I find it truly miraculous. After giving birth to my firstborn, Tara, I was struck with the idea that I had somehow missed my calling and should have become a Labor & Delivery Nurse. That thought returned to me with the births of my other children, Meaghan, Ryan, and Casey, but I was in the throes of raising my family and let that dream go. My four pregnancies were uncomplicated. I took Lamaze classes and planned to have natural childbirths. My first did not turn out as planned. Tara went into fetal distress and I was put under in order for them to get to her quickly, though she was born vaginally. My three other births were unmedicated, natural births and they gave me the most empowering feeling. That is when I fully realized my strength as a woman and I love helping other women tap into their own strength.